


单词: turn

释义: *[tә:n]
n. 转弯, 转动, 旋转, 翻转, 一圈, 顺次, 改动, 变化, 性格, 特色, 形状, 转折
vt. 使旋转, 转弯, 转动, 使转向, 驱赶, 阻挡, 兑换, 改写, 使作对, 绕过, 使流通
vi. 转动, 转弯, 转向, 翻转, 回转, 改变, 转身, 变成, 变质, 晕眩, 易脱手
【医】 转; 转变; 倒转(胎)
【经】 转为
turn one's hand to
turn one's stomach
do sb a good turn
do sb a bad turn
at every turn
call the turn
turn to the left
in the turn of a hand
in turn
not do a hand's turn
on the turn
out of turn
serve sb's turn
serve the turn
to a turn
a good turn
to the turn of a hair
turn about
turn and turn about
turn aside
turn away
turn sb away
turn back
turn back to
turn in
turn oneself in
turn inside out
turn into
turn loose
turn off
turn sb off
turn sth on
turn on sb
turn sb on
turn out
turn out sth
turn out to be
turn out to do
turn out well
turn sth over
turn over
turn round
turn to sb for help
turn to a task
turn up sth
turn up doing
turn up
turn upside down
turn the facts upside down
not turn a hair

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